Frequently Asked Questions

IUD is an intrauterine birth control device; it works by preventing the sperm from meeting the egg. Firstly, by making it difficult for the sperm to move and further possibly by preventing the egg from implanting in the wall of the uterus.

  • Single insertion leads to effective long-term prevention of pregnancy.
  • No interference with sex.
  • No hormonal side effects and it is safe even for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Fertility is restored immediately after the removal of the IUD.
  • No interactions with other medicines.
  • Convenient and user-friendly, with no problem with storage.
  • Can be inserted at any time during the menstrual cycle.
  • Can be inserted immediately after childbirth or abortion.
  • Ensures secrecy as well as religious needs.
  • Can be checked whether in place or not.

Any woman, who wants to space her pregnancies, has borne a child/children, has only one sexual partner (Low Risk of STD), is Breastfeeding, or has just had an abortion (with no evidence/risk of STD)

IUD can be inserted at any time during the menstrual cycle if it is reasonably sure that:-
The woman is not pregnant or has STD. It can be inserted after childbirth or after abortion, provided the uterus is not infected.

This is not necessary. There is less risk of Pelvic infection in replacing the IUD at one time than in two separate procedures. Also, in the meanwhile the woman may get pregnant.

A device may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if any do occur they may need medical attention. Check with your healthcare professional immediately if any of the following side effects occur.

More common: Faintness, dizziness, or sharp pain at the time of IUD insertion; increased amount of menstrual bleeding at regular monthly periods; normal menstrual bleeding occurring earlier or lasting longer than expected

Less common: Abnormal vaginal bleeding (mild to moderate) not associated with a menstrual period; abdominal pain (dull or aching), odorous vaginal discharge, pain on urination with an increased urge to urinate, and unusual vaginal bleeding.

Rare: Abdominal pain or cramping, fever, nausea, and vomiting; painful sexual intercourse; unusual tiredness or weakness.

These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the device.

IUD needs to be replaced within 10 years in case of T Cu 380A, within 5 years in the case of Copper 375 (Cu 375), CuT 380 Plus, and TCu 380Ag, and within 3 years in the case of Copper 250 (Cu 250).

Since IUDs are relatively foreign as compared to the other contraceptives in the country, here are some myths that revolve around IUDs that you should know are 100% untrue.
IUD prevents a woman from having babies after it is removed.

Fertility is restored immediately on removal of the IUD so she can become pregnant as quickly as a woman who has not used IUD.

IUD has to be inserted only during menstrual periods.

IUD can be inserted at any time during the menstrual cycle. Insertion however may be easier & cause less pain during menstruation.

Several follow-up visits are necessary after insertion.

Only one follow-up visit is necessary to make sure IUD is in place and no infection is present, she may however visit the primary health center for clarification of doubts if any.

IUDs can travel to other parts of the body.

IUD normally stays within the uterus (Womb) It never travels to any other part of the body.

IUD causes discomfort to a woman’s sexual partner.

Generally, a man can’t feel the IUD. However, he may feel the strings at times. If this bothers him, the strings could be cut shorter.

IUD causes STD / PID.

IUD does NOT cause STD. However, it does NOT protect against STD. So for a Woman at a high risk for STD, IUD may not be the right method of contraception.

IUD causes Cancer.

IUD has been thoroughly tested and its safety is established. There is no increased cancer risk with IUD.

IUDs has many side effects.

As per the Clinical studies conducted and the customer /clinicians feedback received, the IUD TCu 380Ag has remarkably lesser or no side effects like longer and slightly heavier menstrual periods, bleeding/spotting between periods, abdominal pain, menstrual changes like menorrhagia, polymenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and irregular periods as compared to other contraceptives.